Get Pilates in Your Body

The hot, hot summer is merging in to the cooler autumn season and it’s time to get your plans in place to keep moving through the cooler days and evenings.

Make Movement a Way of Life

Pilates, better movement, a healthier way of life, should all become part of how we lead our lives

Only 15% of UK adults achieve the recommended levels of exercise

Let’s start with a plan to get you to beat the target of 150 minutes (5 x 30mins) of moderate exercise a week – you just need to get your heart beating faster


Two – Three brisk walks a week and one hour of pilates. You’re well on your way to living better just by moving more

More movement hints and helpful tips? Read these articles:

NHS Walking for Health

Move More

Beat Diabetes

I listened to a great podcast where a GP said “No patient has ever recovered from type 2 diabetes in his clinic through popping pills”. His diabetic patients who took up the recommended levels of exercise and improved their eating habits, beat diabetes

No excuses! Make better and more movement a way of life

Your body and mind really will thank you


Book in for Autumn Pilates

Pilates Classes restart wc 19th September

Mondays 9am Presteigne Memorial Hall & 7pm Lyonshall Memorial Hall

Tuesdays 10am Lyonshall Memorial Hall (note earlier start time

Wednesdays 6.15pm Titley Village Hall

Fridays 9am Fast & Fit Pilates & 10.15am Pilates for All Titley Village Hall

Buy the whole term (Sept – December) or use a 5 class pass and book in to the classes you can attend. Just make sure you book the class with a pass!

All classes suitable for all levels, except the Fast & Fit (advanced) class 9am Fridays

Note I’m on a training course 7/10-10/10, no classes on these dates

If you prefer to work on a one to one basis, come to a private lesson in my beautiful garden studio. We’ll design an exercise programme specifically for you.

Email Me

Join my private Facebook group to access hundreds of classes from the past two years. Choose a class to suit you at anytime of the day or night.

Join Online Pilates

I have loads of free, short classes available to anyone on YouTube. Click below to choose a video to get you moving more

Free Pilates

See you for more movement from September


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